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September 25, 2008

CapsSwitch UIQ3 (hacks for UIQ 3)

SWMail, who’s responsible for bringing us some of the best hacks for UIQ 3, just pushed the envelop further by releasing a new version of CapsSwitch application which makes hacking your UIQ 3 smartphone possible without using the Python code, NO PC required! You can get the latest version from SWMail’s website.

DISCLAIMER : Not responsible for any damage using this app. Use it with CAUTION!

CapsSwitch (Program to hack and to override permissions on-demand for UIQ3)

Program: CapsSwitch
Program’s author: SWmail (aka SW)
Program’s version: 1.1.27 (10 Juli 2008)
The program is intended to hack and to override permissions on-demand on UIQ3 smartphones.

Tested on: P1i (R6G04/R9K009/GW1) and M600 (R6A16) and W950i

Big thanks to FCA00000 for help and to Hex for MetroTRK source code and ARM tutorials.


1.1.27 Now works without PC (python script) and without MetroTRK. Added Russian and German languages
1.0.5 Changed icon + Minor fixes
1.0.3 First public release

- Download archive with the program from
- Install CapsSwitch. No need to sign.
- Enjoy and if it like it, please donate.

Download: CapsSwitch.sis